Le Stanze Segrete di S.


A meeting point between visual arts, shadow theater and performance, Le Stanze Segrete di S. is an artistic duo  (Daniele Catalli and Eleonora Diana) dedicated to the creation of visual performances (or Rooms) through the use big drawings and technical solutions reduced to a minimum.Each room is a site-specific work, appropriately modeled for the space in which it is installed. The viewers will be asked to create his own mental path while the narrative develops around them.



“Dreams pass through stone walls, illuminate the darkest rooms and cast darkness into the lighted ones, and their characters enter and exit everywhere at will, laughing at all the locks.”

concept: Le Stanze Segrete di S.
based on Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanudi
drawings / installation: Daniele Catalli
lighting direction: Eleonora Diana
original sound creation: Eleonora Diana
singer: Ginevra Giachetti

in collaboration with: Exhibitioff
with the support of: Fondazione Villani

photo: Andrea Macchia

thanks to: Lucio Villani, Augusto Creni, Marco Maturo, Giuseppe Tassone, Anna Martinelli

2012 Turin
2013 Dance at the Ex Fornace Museum - Moie
2016 Turin, Perempruner Theater


Un moderno Prometeo

“Live and be happy.”

concept: Le Stanze Segrete di S.

freely based on the work by Mary Shelley
drawings / installation: Daniele Catalli
lighting director: Eleonora Diana
original sound creation: Eleonora Diana

a Marche Teatro production

photo: Guido Calamosca (INTEATRO Festival)

2013 Festival Villa Nappi, Polverigi


Un viaggio inaspettato

“When the wind died down, a silence deeper than the silences of the desert descended on those arid rocks, and weighed on the surface of the ocean. Then I pushed my gaze into the distant mists, trying to tear away the veil cast at the bottom of the horizon, and a thousand questions rose to my lips: Where did that sea end? Where was it leading?”

concept: Le Stanze Segrete di S.

freely based on the work by Jules Verne
drawings / installation: Daniele Catalli
lighting director: Eleonora Diana
original sound creation: Eleonora Diana

a Marche Teatro production



“On the island you disappear. Under our feet - says Vidar - there is an infinite series of tunnels and caves that leads to who knows where.”

Stanza 4 was developed during a period of residency in Iceland at the Freezer Hostel Residency Program, Ref. Born as an elaboration project of Stanza 3, Stanza 4 has evolved in other directions, assimilating the atmospheres and stories heard in the Sneffelnes region , at the foot of the Sneffeljokkul volcano.

concept: Le Stanze Segrete di S.

freely based on the work by Jules Verne
drawings / installation: Daniele Catalli
lighting director: Eleonora Diana
original sound creation: Eleonora Diana

a Marche Teatro production
In collaboration with: Freezer Hostel Residency Program, Ref.

with the support of: MOVIN'UP II session 2015
BY THE MINISTRY OF CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ACTIVITIES AND TOURISM General Directorate of Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Suburbs General Entertainment Management


GAI - Association for the Circuit of Young Italian Artists

thanks to: Kari Vidarsson, Luis Alvarez, Vidar

Freezer Hostel, Ref
Inteatro Festival, Ancona
Segni d’Infanzia, Mantova



“He’s out”

concept: Le Stanze Segrete di S.

freely based on the work by  R. L. Stevenson
drawings / installation: Daniele Catalli
lighting director: Eleonora Diana
original sound creation: Guglielmo Diana

a Marche Teatro production

2024 Espacio Checoeslovaquia, Santiago de Chile
2024 Inteatro Festival Ancona

Sheridan Le Fanu, Carmilla, 1872
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, 1818
Jules Verne, Voyage au centre de la Terre, 1864
R.L.Stevenson, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, 1886